March 7, 2013

Yair Mintzker (History), Liora Halperin (Near Eastern Studies), Keren Yarhi-Milo (Politics and Woodrow Wilson School), Corina Tarnita (Ecology and Environmental Biology), Andrea LaPaugh (Computer Science), Greg Kaplan (Economics), Sophie Gee (English)

March 12, 2013

Tullis Onstott (Geosciences), Maria Garlock (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Rene Carmona (Operations Research and Financial Engineering), Peter Constantin (Mathematics and PACM), Irene Small (Art and Archaeology), Doug Arnold (Politics and Woodrow Wilson School)

March 19, 2013

Anahit Mailyan (Dean of Faculty), Nita Cherry (Dean of Faculty), Gilda Paul (Dean of Faculty and Dean of Faculty), David Dobkin, Joan Girgus (Psychology and Dean of Faculty), Toni Turano (Dean of Faculty)

March 26, 2013

Toni Turano (Dean of Faculty), Sandy Johnson (Dean of Faculty), Joan Girgus (Psychology and Dean of Faculty)
