We were back in town and it was time to seal the deal on the car purchase and so I went back to see Frank Momrock, the head of the service department, and Kevin, the head of the sales department to finalize things. when we got home, Joyce and Claire were waiting for Sarah and inside the house. Ben, Sam, Joel, Jane and John were playing Pittsburgh-opoly when Cara arrived holding cookies and Alan came bearing wine with Audrey and the brownies close behind. Sarah was with Joyce, Lily and Claire at one end of the table Ben, Joel and Sam were at the other and Jane and John were in the middle with salad carrots vegetarian chili and chicken enough to make John smile as the latkes amused Suzanne and Audrey and after this self portrait I again captured Audrey and Suzanne as Harry Cummins entered the fray and the many desserts -- cake brownies pastries and cookies were served and Juliana joined Lily, Sarah, Claire and Joyce for a group photo before the phone rang as Audrey and Harry were listening as Cara played with the wine bottle which amused Jane as we got ready to light the many menorahs

before the boys stood back and let us enjoy the lights as Sarah and her friends talked to Jane and John who spoke back to them as Joel, Sam and Ben got ready to go as Cara, Audrey and Suzanne watched as did Sarah and her friends but then all eyes were focussed on the axis of evil and facial hair and side burns before the axis of evil puppet show began

after which we adjourned to the DDR and Cara and Joel competed as Sam and Ben watched and then Sam and Cara competed and finally Suzanne and Audrey gave it a whirl as the screen showed the results and everyone wondered who was the winner which amused Suzanne and Audrey as the conversations continued int eh family room which Sarah's friends watched her try on her new scarf which seemed to amuse Lily

Wednesday was still Hannukah and Lucy Lily Sarah and Joyce Ben Jane and me in this self portrait were happy to see the vegetarian chili again as the plates and drinks led us to the menorahs where we lit the candles for another night of Hannukah

before Suzanne brought out presents Sarah read her story from Ben Ben looked at his Egyptology book and I admired the many pairs of socks I got from Sarah and the tie from Suzanne that showed my age.

On Thursday night, we went to the Strauss' house where there was a new set of menorahs and candles that were lit after which Ben and Ben and Sophie opened gifts as Ben and Rick lit candles and Ben and Ben were ready to get back to where they were.

Back at home Jane and Sarah showed off sweaters Ben had accessories for his iPod and I got this wallet to end another day of Hannukah.

On Friday the holiday was progressing and Ben and I went to Ollie's Noodle House where the dead chickens were hanging as I ordered Chow Fun noodles but his plate was clear as he looked one way and then the other to find food that would make him happy before we made our way in the crowds past the Good Morning America Time Capsule to the theater were the One-Man Star Wars Trilogy was playing but paused to take pictures with the characters

before the show and caught a train after the show to come home where the table was set and desserts appetizers and latkes were being assembled for those who were going to come. The menorahs were ready the sushi and cheese were out so it was time to serve the nuts and egg salad when Ben went to the door to let Amanda and the Justs in. After settling at the table we lit the menorahs

and returned to the table where Steven, Lizzie and Sara and then Lizzie and Sara posed as Ben and Sarah and then Ben were at the table as Richard opened his axis of terror puppets Sarah had her Jane Austin Sara and Lizzie had their finger puppets Ben had his fly catcher and Ben Peter Amanda Ben and Peter were consumed as chocolate was served.

Saturday was New Year's Eve. I began the day by saying good bye to my car of many years and later we lit the menorahs which took a lot of pictures to capture

Jane brought her presents scented candles for Suzanne a CD and balls for Ben and windup toys for me. Then Jane tried on her armless vest and Ben his short sleeved long sleeved shirt as Suzanne admired her candles and Jane checked out her new game and Ben his book and calendar and Suzanne showed the books he bought for me (and her) as the face parts worked their way across the table and the candles were burning low.

Next thing we knew Peter arrived with non-refrigerator food which was good because we were otherwise full up and off we headed to see Rumor Has It.

When we came back, Justin and his girl friend and Matt Welsch were watching Ben and John play Madden '06 as Lucy and Andrew posed as did Kaylen and Fred.

The different varieties of take out included soup from Small World which was being heated and ginger chicken and the Olive's special to go with sesame noodles and the ginger chicken as Benson and Rosie arrived and we adjourned to the living room to begin eating and the wines and champagne were displayed while Steven poured and the fire got going so that the conversation could continue until it was time to check the screen as Jane and Jane and John Lucy and Fred Andrew and Ben stacked drinks admired the food and Suzanne and Sarah wore hats for Jane's camera (and mine) and Jane Peter and Steven wore hats for mine alone. The picture was getting closer as the kitchen clocks disagreed about how many minutes were left but the television thought it was 11:55:58 so with my hat and John and Jane the champagne was opened and we watched the clock tick to 11:59:30 then to 11:59:40 and finally it was exactly the start of 2006 so my picture could be taken and Ben and I could count the year before Ben started clearing confetti and everyone threw confetti to get the floor ready for the new year. We began the new year as we have so many years, sitting in the living room with good friends as the younger generation got ready to sleep in the new year.