Peter Jaffe (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

May 15, 2003

Front: Shirley Tilghman (President) Left to Right:, Peter Jaffe (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Tony Dahlen (Geosciences), Bo Honore (Economics), Suzanne Staggs (Physics), Phil Nord (History)

June 5, 2003

Left to Right: Lex Smits (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), Pablo Debenedetti (Chemical Engineering), Peter Jaffe (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Peter Ramadge (Electrical Engineering), Erhan Cinlar (Operations Research and Financial Engineering)

October 3, 2003

Peter Jaffe (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

February 21, 2006

Pablo Debenedetti (Chemical Engineering), Laura Chioda (Economics), Peter Jaffe (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Sandy Johnson (Dean of Faculty), Name withheld (Politics and Woodrow Wilson School), Weinen E (Mathematics), Marie Griffith (Religion)