Edmund White (Creative Writing)

May 6, 2003

Left to Right: seated Leonard Barkan (Comparative Literature), Marina Brownlee (Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures), Carol Rigolot (Council of Humanities) standing, Michael Cook (Near Eastern Studies), Mike Jennings (German), Carol Armstrong (Art and Archaeology), Christine Stansell (History), Edmund White (Creative Writing), Tony Grafton (History and Council of Humanities), Andrew Ford (Classics)

November 25, 2003

Left to Right: Edmund White (Council of Humanities and Creative Writing), Carol Rigolot (Council of Humanities), Toni Turano (Dean of Faculty), Paul Muldoon (Council of Humanities and Creative Writing), Kathy DiMeglio (185 Nassau Street)

November 29, 2006
Jonas Pontusson (Politics), Bill Gleason (English), Edmund White (UCCPA and Creative Writing), David Blei (Computer Science), Adam Maloof (Geosciences), Daniel Oppenheimer (Psychology and Woodrow Wilson School), Neta Bahcall (Astrophysics)